Alleged 7-Zip arbitrary code execution exploit leaked to Twitter — the 7-Zip author claims this exploit not only isn’t real but was generated by AI

Alleged 7-Zip arbitrary code execution exploit leaked to Twitter — the 7-Zip author claims this exploit not only isn’t real but was generated by AI

December 31, 2024

Yesterday, user @NSA_Employee39 allegedly posted a zero-day exploit for the popular open-source file decompression utility 7-Zip on Twitter, only to have 7-Zip author Igor Pavlov swiftly dismiss it as a fake report. Other people replying to @NSA_Employee39’s original Tweet also questioned the claims and the writing presented, which some speculate could have been run through ChatGPT.

Regardless, the news of a supposed arbitrary code execution (ACE) exploit hitting 7-Zip spread quickly. Now it’s left to outlets like ours or significantly determined independent sleuths to find Igor Pavlov’s statements against this apparent false exploit reporting.

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